Ni blanca ni negra,
ni del sur ni del norte.
No tengo fronteras;
mi piel es polvo de estrellas.
La tierra es mi hogar
como el de todas ellas.
ni del sur ni del norte.
No tengo fronteras;
mi piel es polvo de estrellas.
La tierra es mi hogar
como el de todas ellas.
Neither white or black
nor South or North,
I have no borders;
my skin is dust of the stars.
The earth is my home
as it is for them too.
nor South or North,
I have no borders;
my skin is dust of the stars.
The earth is my home
as it is for them too.
Yamel Alfaro-Zerlan
(written while completing her portrait collection called "The Chair".)
(written while completing her portrait collection called "The Chair".)
"The Chair" is a portrait photography project with the purpose of depicting samples of the demographic diversity of women living in Northern Colorado Front Range, women who do much for their community making it shine in different ways.
All these women are seated and posing at different times on the same chair.
Being moved by her ideas against racism and divisions, Yamel wishes her project to promote equality, tolerance, empathy, non-racial and non-border thoughts, especially during these times
when our community seems lamentably divided.
"The Chair '' is a symbol of equality and contemplative repose, that welcomes everyone
regardless of skin color, social status, education level, or country of origin.
The chair is for everyone; the chair is also for you.
All these women are seated and posing at different times on the same chair.
Being moved by her ideas against racism and divisions, Yamel wishes her project to promote equality, tolerance, empathy, non-racial and non-border thoughts, especially during these times
when our community seems lamentably divided.
"The Chair '' is a symbol of equality and contemplative repose, that welcomes everyone
regardless of skin color, social status, education level, or country of origin.
The chair is for everyone; the chair is also for you.
Contemplate the beauty behind every untold story.

Ceuta, Spain


El Salvador

India - USA

Mexico City, Mexico

Wyoming, USA

Arequipa, Peru

Hong Kong - China

Sudan - USA

Oaxaca, Mexico


New Jersey, USA

El Salvador - Canada

Denmark - Mexico


Hidalgo, Mexico

India - USA

Diné Bikayah Native American

Chihuahua, Mexico

Oklahoma, USA

Mexico - USA